Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Big 40

Yes i know 'age is just a number', and you are only 'as young as you feel' blah blah ..BUT if I'm perfectly honest I was dreading it. This after all is only 10 years away from being 50...and I was wondering am I now in the bracket of what is called 'middle age??'

Turning 30 was significant, but 40 is a whole psychological roller coaster and, there has been a whole medley of friend's 40th celebrations.  Time for reflection and looking at what we are all up to as we turn 40. Most married with kids, some childless & likely to remain so, some with drink or drug dependency issues, some divorced/divorcing, some happy, some sad and so on. Life is a funny old game and the different hands it deals, you can never predict when you turn 18 what's going to happen to us all. 

Back to the matter in hand and in the run up to the big birthday the pressure was mounting.  You see I had planned a party and this was the first time that both the boys were staying over at my parents - this in itself was a cause for celebration - no kids with a hangover AND a lie in. One word; Result.  The party was a blast (copious mojito's see below) and I felt young and carefree rolling in at 4am. 

In the run up to my birthday I became reflective and melancholic and mourned my younger years. I realise now that life now is peppered with far more 'real' problems than I would like.  That generally speaking my carefree mis-spent youth has somewhat disappeared over the horizon. 

It then dawned on me it's not so much the 'age' that actually is the problem, but the lack of spontaneity in my life. Gone are the impromptu hell raising nights that started off with the promise of one drink and ended up as an all-nighter.  I've decided it's time for action.  Get the good times back and all it requires is precision planning! Actions speak louder than words so with this mantra in mind myself and my dear friend Lisa have booked a girlie mini breat to Barcelona in June. Excited? Me? muchisimo!

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